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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens UNESCO CHAIR ON CLIMATE DIPLOMACY

UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy was founded at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in March 2019. The Chair promotes interdisciplinary research, training, education as well as policy-capacity building in the field of climate change policies and diplomacy at the national, regional and international level.

The initiatives and activities of the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy stem from the following three-fold logic:

  • Education and dissemination of knowledge;
  • Research;
  • Bridging the gap between academia and policy-makers.

To that end, the activities of the Chair focus on:

  • Gathering and processing the existing knowledge on climate change policies and transferring the knowledge to interested state and non-state actors;
  • Highlighting the field of climate diplomacy as a key lever of introducing and implementing climate change policies. Emphasis will be given in South-Eastern Europe;
  • Promoting the education of climate change policies and diplomacy, sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals, protection of the marine environment, and other relevant fields.

The goal of the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy is to contribute to the tackling of the major challenge of proper implementation of effective and economically efficient climate policy at national, regional and international level.

Here is a brief presentation of all the Chair's activities from March 2019 to September 2022.

The UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy is in close collaboration with the Institute of European Integration and Policy of the host University.



Find more on the Chair's publications here.

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